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76 images
Created 19 Nov 2009
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American Goldfinch - 6.jpg
Black-chinned Hummingbird - 6.jpg
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black& White Warbler
Bluebird in Snow.jpg
Blue-gray Knatcatcher
Bluejay Flight .jpg
Blue Jay.jpg
Bobolink in Vetch.jpg
Brown Thrasher
Brown Thrasher Nesting
Cardinal in Fall .jpg
Cardinal in Ice
Cardinal in Snow .jpg
Carolina Chickadee in Redbud Tree - MS
Carolina Wren Singing .jpg
Carolina Wrens in Nest
Cedar Waxwing - 36.jpg
Cedar Waxwing - 36.jpg
Chestnut Warbler
Clarks Nutcracker.jpg
Common Yellowthroat Calling
Common Yellowthroat .jpg
Common Yellowthroat.jpg
Dickcissel Calling.jpg
Dickcissell Calling.jpg
Downy Woodpecker Moving.jpg
Eastern Bluebird - 11.jpg
Eastern Bluebird on ice covered bran...jpg
Eastern Bluebird Stretching .jpg
Evening Grosbeaks
Flicker Pair in Tree.jpg
Goldfinch in Thistle
Goldfinch in Thistle.jpg
Goldfinch in Wisteria .jpg
Grackles at Dawn - MS.jpg
Grackles in Branches.jpg
House Finch in Fall.jpg
House Finch Pair.jpg
Hummingbird Nesting
Indigo Bunting in Smokies.jpg
Indigo Bunting in Yellowtop.jpg
Louisiana Waterthrush.jpg
Magnolia Warbler
Magnolia Warbler with Worm
Marsh Wren Calling.jpg
Mockingbird .jpg
Mockingbird .jpg
Mockingbird Sunset, TX .jpg
Painted Bunting .jpg
Pileated Woodpecker.jpg
Pine Warbler in Ice
Prairie Warbler with Caterpillar
Prothonotary Warbler in Cypress Tree.jpg
Prothonotary Warbler Singing
Prothonotary Warbler with Caterpillar
Raven Calling - YNP.jpg
Raven on Joshua Tree - California.jpg
Ravens & Grand Canyon .jpg
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1112.jpg
Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) Fee...jpg
Red-winged Blackbird at .jpg
Red-winged Blackbird at Sun.jpg
Red-winged Blackbird Calling at Suns...jpg
Red-winged Blackbird Flock over Rice..ield
Red-winged Blackbird .jpg
Red-winged Blackbird .jpg
Red-winged Blackbirds at Dawn.jpg
Rose-breasted Grosbeak .jpg
Ruby-throated Hummingbird.jpg
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher .jpg
Towhee with Acorn
Tufted Titmouse .jpg
Western Bluebird - YNP.jpg
White-eyed Vireo.jpg
Yellow-throated Warbler
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