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95 images
Created 12 Sep 2008
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American Bison.jpg
Armadillo at Dawn.jpg
Armadillo Close Up.jpg
Armadillo Face.jpg
Armadillo Going into Underground Bur...jpg
Bison at Dawn .jpg
Bison on Hill YNP.jpg
Black Bear Climbing Tree.jpg
Black Bear Cub at Edge of Woods.jpg
Black Bear Cub Climbing Tree - Smoky...tif
Black Bear Cub Reaching for Leaves.jpg
Black Bear Cubs .jpg
Black Bear Cubs.jpg
Black Bear Eating Leaves.jpg
Black Bear Family in Smokies.jpg
Black Bear in Tree - Smoky Mountains...jpg
Black Bear.jpg
Black Bear Looking Around Tree.jpg
Black Bear Looking at Cubs.jpg
Black Bear on Log.jpg
Black Bear & Pokeweed.jpg
Black Bears Digging for Grubs.jpg
Black Bears in Trees.jpg
Black Bear Young.jpg
Black-tailed Deer - 1111_2.jpg
Black-tailed Deer - 1111.jpg
Black-tailed Deer - 29.jpg
Black-tailed Deer .jpg
Black-tailed Deer .jpg
Black-tailed Deer.jpg
Black-tailed Jackrabbit -2.jpg
Black-tailed Jackrabbit .jpg
Black-tailed Jackrabbit.jpg
Black-tailed Jackrabbit-TX.jpg
Bobcat in Woods
Bugling Elk .jpg
Bugling Elk - Montana.jpg
Bull Elk.jpg
Bull Elk Nudging Cow.jpg
Calofornia Ground Squirrel .jpg
Caribou - 8.jpg
Chipmunk - CO .jpg
Collard Peccary Eating Cactus
Cottontail Rabbit
Cottontail Rabbit Eating Grass.jpg
Cottontail Rabbit.jpg
Cottontail Rabbit.jpg
Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) R...jpg
Cottotail Rabbit.jpg
Coyote .jpg
Coyote Snarl.jpg
Elk at Dawn .jpg
Elk Bugling .jpg
Elk Bugling.jpg
Elk in River .jpg
Elk in River (movement).jpg
Elk - Mammoth Hot Springs YNP.jpg
Gray Fox.jpg
Grizzly Bear - YNP.jpg
Grizzly Bear - YNP.jpg
Groundhog in Smokies.jpg
Jackrabbit in Flowers.jpg
Least Chipmunks YNP.jpg
Moose at Dusk YNP.jpg
Mule Deer - YNP.jpg
Muskrat Swimming.jpg
Nutria Family in Winter.jpg
Opossum in Tree in Fog
Opossum .jpg
Opossum .jpg
Opossum on Tree Limb.jpg
Pronghorn Antelope YNP.jpg
Pronghorn Antelope YNP.jpg
Pronghorn Under Tree .jpg
Rabbit .jpg
Raccoon Eating Clam at Low Tide.jpg
Red Fox Young .jpg
Red Fox Young .jpg
Red Wolf Tracks - Horn Isla.jpg
River Otter Eating Catfish - SC.jpg
River Otter.jpg
River Otter Resting.jpg
River Otter Smiling.jpg
River Otter Swimming .jpg
Squirrel in Fall .jpg
Wild Hog Face.jpg
Wild Hog.jpg
Wild hogs & Reflection .jpg
Wild Horses.jpg
Young Moose - Tetons.jpg
Young Raccoon in Tree.jpg
Young Raccoons in Tree .jpg
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